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Natural Remedies To Help With Premature Ejaculation

Published | 4 min read

Premature ejaculation is often worsened by stress. While the condition comes with a lot of negative stigmas, it happens more often than you think. Check out these natural remedies to help you last longer in bed.

Premature ejaculation min scaled

Premature ejaculation is nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, it happens to one in every three men.

The condition occurs when a man orgasms too soon while having sex. It’s often caused by – and can lead to – stress in you and your partner. You may even avoid sex altogether because of it.

Luckily, there are many natural ways to help delay ejaculation by addressing the root cause of the problem. Read on to learn more.

What Is Premature Ejaculation?

A unhappy looking young woman holding a clock
Premature ejaculation usually occurs within one minute of initiating sex.

Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates or discharges semen sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. If the condition only arises occasionally, it’s usually not a health concern.

You may be diagnosed with premature ejaculation if you:

  • Nearly always ejaculate within one minute of initiating sex. 
  • Are nearly always unable to delay ejaculation during sex. 
  • Experience distress and frustrations due to the condition and tend to avoid sex as a result.

What causes it?

Psychological or biological factors may cause premature ejaculation. Sexual abuse, poor body image, anxiety and depression, relationship issues, and anxiety due to difficulty maintaining an erection can play a role in this condition.

Biological factors responsible for premature ejaculation include abnormal hormone levels, infection of the prostate or urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to outside the body), and changes in the brain’s functioning.

Emotional and mental stress limit your ability to relax and enjoy sex. This condition plays a significant role in premature ejaculation. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) attributes premature ejaculation to pathogenic factors in different organs.

“The common causatives for premature ejaculation are Damp-Heat, Qi Stagnation, Blood Stasis, Deficiencies of the Heart, Spleen, and Kidneys. All these collectively arise from our stressful working lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.”

Senior TCM Physician Brandon Yew from Real Health Medical Clinic in Singapore.

How To Treat Premature Ejaculation

TCM suggests certain acupressure techniques to prevent premature ejaculation, which you can perform on your own.

As Physician Yew consistently observed in his clinical practice, the causes of PE often differ significantly between men. He thus cautions on the importance of consulting a professional TCM practitioner.

This way, you can feel more at ease with customized treatments prescribed based on a thorough assessment of your unique body constitution.


Apply an appropriate amount of pressure to elicit a sore or aching sensation or numbness using your fingers or a blunt object like a massage stick on the following acupoints.

  • Tai Xi (KI3)
  • Guan Yuan (RN4)
  • Qi Hai (RN6)

Herbal remedies

Herbs that can prevent premature ejaculation include Chinese yam, Lingzhi, Cordyceps, maca, lotus nut, and fox nut.

Other herbs that can help include:

  • Pomegranate rind
  • Chicken’s gizzard-membrane
  • Cuttlebone
  • Cherokee rose fruit
  • Raspberry
  • Macrocarpium fruit
  • Flatstem milkvetch seed
  • Sharpleaf galangal fruit
  • Malaytea scurfpea fruit

However, it is important not to self-medicate. Consume herbal remedies only after consultation with a TCM practitioner to guide you on the optimal herb for your body constitution.

How To Last Longer In Bed

Before you seek medical help, you may try the following techniques to try and prolong ejaculation:

  • Masturbate 1 to 2 hours before having sex. 
  • Use a thick condom to help decrease sensation and delay ejaculation. 
  • Take a deep breath when you feel you are coming close to climax. 
  • Have sex with your partner on top so that she can pull away when you are close to climax. 
  • Take breaks during intercourse and think of completely different things to distract yourself.

Other Things You Can Try

A man with tattoos meditating by himself in his living room
Meditation and breathing techniques can help reduce stress so you can last longer in bed.

Certain medicines for treating depression can delay ejaculation as a side effect. However, these need to be taken only under the guidance of a physician and may lead to unwanted side effects. 

You may also use anesthetic creams and sprays containing lidocaine on your penis to make it less sensitive. However, take care to wash it off completely before you penetrate your partner. Wearing a condom can improve the effectiveness of anesthetic sprays. 

TCM practitioners generally assess the body constitution of every patient and suggest individualized therapy based on it.

“With TCM herbal medication, moxibustion, cupping, and tuina (TCM deep tissue or meridian massage), a TCM physician can help you in preventing or managing premature ejaculation. We specifically address the unique body constitution of every individual patient. These therapies can be undertaken alongside other medicines and treatments and do not cause side effects when taken under the guidance of a TCM practitioner.” 

TCM Physician Brandon Yew

Seek Help For Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a problem facing many men due to our increasingly stressful lifestyles, but very few acknowledge and seek help. So, let go of the taboos and seek help from your healthcare provider to bring the joy back into bed!


  1. Mayo Clinic. 2020. Premature ejaculation. 
  2. NHS. 2020. Can premature ejaculation be controlled? 

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Reviews (3)

jemes benditFeb 09 2024

Zubby Herb’s products  did a great job, you so much deserve accolades on this, Dr Zubby , I can’t explain now what I received on my size now it increases too 12 inches long within 31 days of using Zubby Herb’s products,   was so great and surprising, an amazingly huge  cured completely from erectile disfunction  and diabetes  was sent to me by Zubby  with an expert like  ,Always do your best, what you plant now you harvest later, . for making that come through.  Healing treatment for HSV HPV HIV , Zubby natural products work very effective  all you have to do is to contact him  and be a part of this healing process ,  WhatsApp  +2348070673249 Visit his website: https://drzubbysolutionhom.wixsite.com/websiteEmail via : [email protected]

jemes benditFeb 09 2024

Zubby Herb’s products  did a great job, you so much deserve accolades on this, Dr Zubby , I can’t explain now what I received on my size now it increases too 12 inches long within 31 days of using Zubby Herb’s products,   was so great and surprising, an amazingly huge  cured completely from erectile disfunction  and diabetes  was sent to me by Zubby  with an expert like  ,Always do your best, what you plant now you harvest later, . for making that come through.  Healing treatment for HSV HPV HIV , Zubby natural products work very effective  all you have to do is to contact him  and be a part of this healing process ,  WhatsApp  +2348070673249 Visit his website: https://drzubbysolutionhom.wixsite.com/websiteEmail via : [email protected]

JackNov 14 2023

Good day everybody, my name is Jack am from the United Kingdom and I want to give thanks and appreciation to the great Dr Okpa who helped me with his herbs that enlarged my penis and also cured my quick ejaculation problem. My girlfriend has been wanting to leave me because of my quick ejaculation because she has been complaining about it and I am glad since i took Dr Okpa’s herbs everything about my sexual life has become very good and active, which my girlfriend is very happy with me now and anytime we have sex and she tells me that she enjoys me more better now and she says I satisfy her now, and relationship has become more sweet and happier now. I just want to let whosoever is going through quick ejaculation or wants to enlarge his penis to know that the best person to contact is Dr Okpa because his herbs are very good and works perfectly well. Here is his email: [email protected] or call and WhatsApp him on +27653527813

His: website: https://okpatempleofsoluti.wixsite.com/my-site-1

Kind regards.

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