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Anti-aging doesn’t always mean you want to look younger (although this helps!). Instead, aging well refers to the practice of keeping your mind and body disease-free and functioning at its best, both internally and externally. 
Preventing kidney stones as you age
General Health
May 20, 2024 | 3 min read

Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones as You Age

Explore effective strategies for preventing kidney stones with age. Discover diet tips, hydration methods, and lifestyle changes that reduce your risk. Here’s an essential read for anyone looking to maintain kidney function and avoid painful kidney stones as they age.

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Acupressure featured jpeg
General Health
April 23, 2024 | 3 min read

Is It Safe To Do Facial Acupressure on Yourself?

Self-administered safety acupressure needs a comprehensive guide for it to be a safe and beneficial practice. Read through the article to learn about the do’s and don’ts of facial acupressure including how to properly locate and stimulate key points for maximum effect.

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Crows feet min scaled
General Health
June 21, 2023 | 3 min read

How To Use TCM To Reduce Crows Feet

Crows feet are a natural part of aging, but things like stress, smoking, and a hectic lifestyle can make them appear quicker than most people would like. Learn how to keep the skin around your eyes looking young and firm here.

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Face shape feature min scaled
General Health
May 26, 2023 | 3 min read

Can Natural Remedies Help You Achieve The Ideal Face Shape?

Many women turn to surgery and injections to help them get the face shape they want. However, these natural remedies may work just as well without the potentially dangerous side effects.

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Healthy older woman min 1 scaled
General Health
April 3, 2023 | 3 min read

Top 7 Natural Skin Care Ingredients That Fight Aging

Natural skin care ingredients are often gentler than chemical-laden products, making them suitable for sensitive skin. Here are the best ones you can use to prevent skin aging.

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Healthy aging can be done by slowing down the aging process within our cells. Our bodies naturally have this capability, and we can tap into it by using holistic approaches, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In this section, you’ll learn how to slow down and prevent premature aging of your skin, organs, cells, tissues, and mind so that you can look and feel as youthful as you want no matter your age. As we all know, age sneaks up on us sooner than we think. It’s never too soon to think about your new anti-aging routine!
Skin care min scaled
General Health
October 13, 2022 | 3 min read

Best Skin Care Tips to Heal Damaged Skin

Without a proper skin care routine, your skin barrier may become damaged due to environmental factors such as air pollution, sun exposure, and even stress. Here’s how to keep your skin healthy and youthful against factors that are out of your control.

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Eye bags min scaled
General Health
July 8, 2022 | 3 min read

How To Get Rid Of Eye Bags For Good

If you suffer from chronic eye bags, it could be a dead giveaway that your health is not where it should be. Follow the tips in this guide to help get rid of eye bags for good.

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A woman is preparing a collagen peptide drink in her kitchen
General Health
March 27, 2022 | 3 min read

How Can Collagen Peptides Benefit Your Body?

Collagen peptides have become the new must-have item for beauty and health purposes. It’s a bit different from other types of collagen. Learn more here.

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Using food as medicine to slow down the aging process is easy, tasty, and effective. You can learn about how to eat your way young, the best anti-aging exercises to keep your body healthy, and what habits to avoid or keep to increase your longevity.

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