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Meet the Author
Aaron Sta Maria

Aaron Sta Maria

Senior Writer

Aaron is a content writer that has a firm grasp on all things health. An advocate of a balanced lifestyle, his purpose as a writer is to produce wellness content that's centred around the importance of nutrition, physical activity and the use of natural remedies. He's also intrigued by the Law of Attraction and holds firm to the belief that if you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.

Aaron's Collection of Works

242 results
11Artboard 1
Health & Balance
March 20, 2024 | 3 min read

4 Types of Neck Rashes and How to Treat Them 

Be it from the weather or an infection, neck rashes can bring a lot of pain and discomfort. Identify what causes these rashes and how you can treat them.

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Close-up of a Chinese Medicine practitioner holding ginseng roots in both hands.
Wellness & Nutrition
April 27, 2023 | 3 min read

How to Use Ginseng Root for Men’s Health

When a man struggles with erectile dysfunction, it can affect several aspects of his life. Learn how ginseng root can help treat the condition and similar problems.

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A woman sitting barefoot on a flight of stairs while massaging her left ankle with her left hand.
Health & Balance
April 25, 2023 | 3 min read

Remedies and Treatments for Bone Spurs

Bone spurs can restrict your mobility and impair quality of life. If you exhibit symptoms, restoring movement and relieving pain will be the primary goals of holistic treatments.

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A woman covering her eyes with both hands while wearing a pair of eyeglasses as she sits a desk. 
Health & Balance
April 21, 2023 | 3 min read

Real-Life Stories of Sleep-Deprived Adults

Real stories of sleep deprived adults demonstrate the problem’s negative effects. It may also inspire you to practice habits that boost sleep quality daily.

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Hands holding chopsticks to pick pieces of salmon sashimi off a tray.
Wellness & Nutrition
April 19, 2023 | 3 min read

Are Raw Foods Good for You?

Raw foods such as salads and sashimi are generally nutritious and popular meal choices. Traditional Chinese Medicine, however, has a different viewpoint on these.

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A woman wrapped in a blanket wiping her nose with a tissue while sitting on a sofa next to used tissues.
Wellness & Nutrition
April 18, 2023 | 3 min read

3 Healing Food and Beverages for Flu Recovery

Healing foods and beverages can play a central role in flu recovery. Use these step-by-step recipe guides to prepare nourishing remedies when under the weather.

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Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.