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Meet the Author
Serena Norr

Serena Norr


Serena Norr is a writer, editor, and playwright. For the past 18 years, she has written about parenting, health, travel, food, and home decor. She lives in Westchester, NY and enjoys learning about health and wellness, cooking, reading, pilates, and running.

Serena's Collection of Works

44 results
It is important to address any gut issues with your child to ensure their overall health and well-being
Pregnancy & Children's Health
May 4, 2022 | 3 min read

How to Improve Gut Health in Children

Your child’s gut health plays a pivotal role to help them grow and maintain their overall well-being. Learn more about the causes of gut disorders in children and ways to improve their digestive health.

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Hangovers can cause havoc on the body, leading to all sorts of unpleasant symptoms.
General Health
March 10, 2022 | 3 min read

Hangover Cure: 7 Natural Ways to Find Relief

Hangovers can cause havoc on the body, leading to fatigue, nausea or worse! Here are some natural ways, using TCM practices, that will have you feeling as good as new in no time.

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yet complicated disease that can be very challenging that affects women of childbearing age.
Pregnancy & Children's Health
March 4, 2022 | 3 min read

PCOS Treatment Options to Help Improve Fertility

PCOS is a common yet complicated condition that affects women of childbearing age. Treatment options such as lifestyle changes, medications, surgery, and TCM practices can help with this condition.

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A woman touching her stomach due to period pain
Pregnancy & Children's Health
February 19, 2022 | 3 min read

4 Types of Period Pain and Ways to Relieve Discomfort

A common occurrence for women during menstruation, period pain does not have to be debilitating. Understanding both the Western and TCM approaches, can help women find relief and lessen their discomfort.

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Young woman suffering from psoriasis with itching red marks on her arm
General Health
February 13, 2022 | 3 min read

Psoriasis Treatment Options to Alleviate this Chronic Condition

Psoriasis is a common autoimmune disease that causes scaly and flaky patches of skin. There are several treatment options, including traditional medicine and TCM that can help you to alleviate and treat this skin disorder.

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Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.