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Written by All Things Health Team

Reviewed by Doreen Kee on August 28, 2023

Improve Your Immune System With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Published | 3 min read

Improve Your Immune System With Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the best way to ward off illnesses is to restore balance to the body and build a strong immune system.

This can be seen in popular TCM health supplements. For example, the benefits of bird’s nest and Cordyceps Sinensis in Chinese Medicine address one’s overall health and well-being rather than addressing only one aspect of the body. Read on to learn about improving your immune system with TCM.

Qi and the Immune System

According to TCM, one’s qi (vital energy) should be balanced to maintain a strong immune system. When you have balanced qi, you fall sick less often and less severely.

On the other hand, when you have weak qi, you are likely to fall sick often and feel fatigued easily.

Wei qi, otherwise known as defensive qi, is particularly instrumental in maintaining the immune system. It circulates beneath the skin and acts as the body’s first line of defence. It serves as a shield that minimises the likelihood of cold and wind entering the body. Your immune system works best when the body and wei qi are balanced.

Consume Chicken Essence

One popular TCM supplement that boosts immunity is chicken essence, which has been found to contain several bioactivities, including immune enhancement.

It helps increase the activity of immunoglobulins and antibodies, which help to fight off infections and diseases. You may refer to our previous article to discover the best times to include chicken essence into your diet.

Take Astragalus

Astragalus (huang qi) is a Chinese herb that stimulates the body’s resistance to physical, environmental, and emotional stressors. It replenishes qi when depleted and is thus crucial in restoring balance to the body.

Some studies have found that astragalus may increase the body’s production of white blood cells, which are responsible for maintaining your immune system and fighting illnesses.

Take Note of the Organ Clock

In TCM, each body function is linked to a specific time. It suggests that qi is constantly in flux, moving through the body’s organs in a 24-hour cycle. Every 2 hours, qi is strongest in a particular organ.

This theory suggests that there is an ideal time to perform certain activities—including sleeping. According to the TCM organ clock, it is not enough to get enough sleep; it is also essential to sleep at the right time.

Take Note of the Organ Clock

According to the TCM organ clock, sleeping at the right time is important

Following this logic, it is recommended that you sleep before 11 pm. From 11 pm to 3 am, the gallbladder and liver, which affect the qi of the body’s internal organs, are the most active. Cultivating the good habit of sleeping at this time can thus help boost your immune system.


During acupuncture sessions, the practitioner inserts thin needles at strategic points in your body. This practice is beneficial as it increases white blood cell and T-cell count, both of which are essential in maintaining the body’s defences.

It also relieves stress, which may heighten your body’s susceptibility to infection.


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture in that it involves a practitioner applying pressure on specific points of the body. However, it does not use needles.

Applying pressure to specific points helps unblock your qi and increase blood flow to the organs, thus restoring balance to the body. Additionally, it improves digestion and nutrient absorption and can thus enhance overall health and immunity.


Building a robust immune system is the best way to combat illnesses. Therefore, it is crucial to note how TCM promotes qi balance, as it determines the health of your immune system. By changing your lifestyle and diet, you can effectively strengthen your body’s defences against external pathogens and avoid illnesses and ailments. Other practices, such as acupuncture and acupressure, may also be beneficial.

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